We would like to give our members the opportunity to participate in an advanced Airway Management Seminar run by Dr. Risavi and other certified instructors. This event will be held on a Saturday to talk to EM club members about respiratory emergencies and airway management as an important clinical skill. There will be a presentation to discuss the importance of airway management, and to familiarize students with protocols and techniques. There will then be a hands-on learning opportunity for students to practice techniques. It will give our members the chance to interact with one another while learning valuable skills they will learn more about on rotations. All equipment for the interactive activity will be provided by Dr. Risavi. A sign-up sheet will be provided for students to participate with a maximum of 30 students allowed to sign-up. Our Club Advisor, Dr. Risavi, has approved of the event and will be in attendance. This event will be held on Saturday September 21st in Lecture Hall A and the OPP Lab from 8:00am – 4:00pm.